Krejames " in the town I live we have a well known musical academy and some of the buskers we get are amazing"
The Rebel. Not sure how to relate that comment to my post, but Brian Connolly lead singer of the Sweet born in Glasgow Scotland ended up a drunk in every pub in Rickmansworth until his death. For the record "The Sweet" had 3 consecutive number ones in the Uk, and sold over 5 million albums. I grew up in Rickmansworth just outside Watford, and Brian Connolly was a permanent fixture in the local pubs, or crashed out on a park bench. I know he lived in a council house in Mill- End for a few years, and I know from many of the people that drunk in the pubs he drunk in he was a great guy who had an alcohol problem.
I also remember when I was 6 or 7 Anne Clementson my first puppy love offering to pay me 1 penny for each of my collection of magazine pictures of the band, and I wish I had suggested a kiss instead.
The Rebel.